- 欢迎对隧道工程、数值模拟、参数分析、大数据机器学习等感兴趣的同学报考硕士/申请博士研究生。
- 真诚邀请博士后研究员加盟中大土木,开展合作研究。
- 国家虚拟仿真实验教学课程共享平台:基于BIM的盾构隧道虚拟仿真实验 (ilab-x.com)
- 3044am永利集团虚拟仿真实验教学平台:https://xnfz.sysu.edu.cn/vlab/jyBIM.html
- 2013.09-2018.03,德国波鸿大学(Ruhr-University Bochum),岩土工程,博士。导师:Prof. Tom Schanz, Prof. Guenther Meschke. 学位论文:A contribution to modeling of mechanized tunnel excavation
- 2010.09-2013.06,河海大学,岩土工程,硕士。导师:王保田教授。学位论文:高含水率疏浚淤泥固化试验研究
- 2006.09-2010.06,河海大学,土木工程,学士
- 2019.08-至今,3044am永利集团,3044am永利集团,助理教授、副教授
- 2018.04-2019.07,德国波鸿大学(Ruhr-University Bochum),土木与环境工程系,Postdoctoral Research Associate
- 2018.02-2018.03,美国麻省理工学院(MIT),土木与环境工程系,Visiting Scholar
- 隧道与地下空间工程
- 盾构隧道数值模拟
- 土–结构相互作用
- BIM、大数据机器学习在土木工程中的应用
- 世界交通运输大会水下隧道设计与施工技术委员会,委员
- 中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程分会青年工作委员会,委员
- 广东省岩土力学与工程学会青年工作委员会, 委员
- 广东省土木建筑学会地下工程专业委员会,委员
- 交通岩土工程学术委员会,委员
- 中国城市地下空间学会, 会员
- 期刊编委:Frontiers in Built Environment
- 专刊编委:Buildings
- 期刊审稿人: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Computers and Geotechnics 等
- 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 考虑壁后注浆压力非均匀演化的软土盾构隧道管片错台机制研究,2023.01-2025.12,主持
- 科技部国家重点研发计划“交通基础设施”重点专项“海底隧道建造与韧性增强关键技术”项目, 2021.12–2024.12,参与单位负责人
- 广东省自然科学基金青年提升项目,壁后注浆流态演化作用下盾构隧道上浮机制及控制方法研究,2024.01-2026.12,主持
- 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金联合基金青年项目,基于机器学习的盾构隧道不良地质分析及超前预报,2020.01–2022.12,主持
- 岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室开放课题,高水压大直径盾构隧道管片上浮机理及安全评价研究,2022.01-2023.12,主持
- 广西防灾减灾与工程安全重点实验室开放课题, 基于随机场理论的库区非饱和土边坡失稳机理研究, 2021.01–2022.12,主持
- 3044am永利集团“百人计划”,基本启动项目, 盾构隧道多尺度数值仿真, 2019.09-2021.12,主持
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 地层错动变形下承插式管道的损伤演化机制及韧性提升技术研究, 2023.01–2026.12,参与
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 动-静加载下加锚裂隙岩体能量演化与止裂吸能机理研究, 2022.01–2025.12,参与
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 考虑位移的柔性管道土压力计算理论及管土相互作用研究, 2021.01–2024.12,参与
- 广州市重点研发计划揭榜挂帅项目, 复杂环境下的轨道交通地下工程成套装备研制及应用,参与
- 中国工程院, 城市地下设施安全管控战略研究, 2019.12–2020.12,参与
- 德国联合基金会(DFG), Collaborative Research Center SFB 837: Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling
- Subproject – C2: System and Parameter Identification Methods for Ground Models in Mechanized Tunneling, 2018.07–2020.06, 参与
- Subproject – A5: Adaptive Constitutive Modeling of Soil with Special Consideration of the Destructuration, 2014.07–2018.06, 参与
- 研究生教育创新计划项目--学位与研究生教育改革研究,2024
- 本科"四新"教学改革研究与实践,2024
- 基于BIM的盾构隧道虚拟仿真实验,2023
- 《土木、 水利与海洋工程施工》 教材建设,2023
- 建筑信息模型与工程仿真(含实验)课程思政示范课,2022
- 土木、水利与海洋工程智能建造教研室,团队建设类,2021
- 3044am永利集团河南研究院基础设施创新中心科产教融合实践教学基地,实践实验类,省部级,2021
- 中铁十六局集团有限公司澳门代表处, 澳门轻轨延伸横琴线项目安全评估服务项目
- 中海福陆重工有限公司, 流花11-1油田群项目
- 广州市交通设计研究院有限公司,公路工程全过程BIM技术应用标准体系及快速建模方法研究
- 中铁建华南建设有限公司,广花城际岩溶区隧道全寿命周期智慧管控关键技术研究
- 广东长正建设有限公司,城区复杂环境下硬岩隧道微振爆破施工稳定性分析
- 2024年3044am永利集团一流本科课程《建筑信息模型与工程仿真(含实验)》
- 2023年度Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology期刊Top Reviewer Award
- 2022年度Computers and Geotechnics期刊Top Reviewer Award
- 2023年3044am永利集团第十一届校级本科教育教学成果奖,二等奖
- 2023年15th Innovation Competition in Construction Engineering and Management (ICCEM), Participation Award(指导教师)
- 2022年3044am永利集团锦粤达奖教金
- 2022 年3044am永利集团第三届青年教师教学竞赛二等奖
- 2022 年第二届全国大学生工业化建筑与智慧建造竞赛:二等奖2项,三等奖2项(指导教师)
- 2022 年高校BIM毕业设计大赛:特等奖1项,优胜奖1项,优秀指导教师奖
- 2021 年首届全国大学生工业化建筑与智慧建造竞赛:一等奖1项,二等奖3项,优秀组织奖1项(指导教师)
- 2017 Outstanding contribution in reviewing by Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
- 2017 Scholarship of Wilhelm und Günter Esser Stiftung by RUB Research School
- 2016 Teaching Assistantship summer term 2016 by RUB Research School PLUS
- 2024,硕士毕业论文:陈乐,有压管线渗漏影响下盾构掘进诱发地层变形机理研究
- 2024,硕士毕业论文:何昊燊,考虑壁后注浆压力非均匀演化的盾构隧道变形机制研究
- 2022,硕士毕业论文:罗毛毛,基于机器学习的盾构隧道不良地质识别方法研究
- 2024,本科毕业论文:李建睿,滨海软土地层盾构隧道端头加固数值模拟研究
- 2024,本科毕业论文:黎昊文,基于图像识别的颗粒材料级配确定方法研究
- 2023,本科毕业论文:杨嘉豪,基于随机场的盾构掘进数值建模与系统响应研究
- 2018,Project thesis: Sophie van den Brink & Matthias Müller, Numerical investigation of effectiveness of different repair methods for tunnel rehabilitation (in German)
- 2024.08 大直径盾构隧道壁后注浆压力非均匀演化规律研究. 2024年度粤港澳大湾区岩土工程青年学者论坛. 深圳
- 2023.12 Numerical investigation of end reinforcement technology for super-large diameter shield tunnels and online prediction using machine learning. International Symposium on Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering towards Sustainability (IGES2023). Hong Kong, China
- 2023.04 基于多目标优化的深基坑变形实时预测. 第五届全国青年工程风险分析和控制研讨会,重庆
- 2022.06 Study on Polymer Damping Technology of Mountain Tunnels in Strong Earthquake-Prone Areas. EURO:TUN 2022,5th International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling, Bochum, Germany
- 2021.10 A hybrid model for mechanized tunnel excavation (Invited lecture). Inverse problems workshop - Professor Tom Schanz memory workshop, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.
- 2021.10 基于机器学习的盾构隧道不良地质预警. 第三届隧道及地下工程检测与监测国际研讨会邀请报告,长沙
- 2021.05 隧道数值仿真混合模型与参数优化. 第二届土木工程计算与仿真技术会议,北京
- 2020.11 参数分析和机器学习方法在盾构隧道中的应用. 2020中国隧道与地下工程大会,深圳
- 2020.10 A pattern recognition approach to evaluate the uncertain soil stratum in front of the tunnel face. 7th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications (APSSRA2020), Tokyo, Japan
- 2018.10 A contribution to numerical modeling of mechanized tunnel excavation. 同济大学交通运输工程学院邀请讲座
- 2018.08 Adequate numerical simulation of tail void grouting for tunneling in saturated soil. China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Vienna, Austria
- 2017.09 Model validation and parameter identification based on online monitoring. Workshop for Modeling and Simulation in Mechanized Tunneling, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 2017.09 Introduction to sub-systems in mechanized tunneling: Importance and difficulties. Workshop for Modeling and Simulation in Mechanized Tunneling, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 2017.04 Influencing factors affecting the numerical simulation of the mechanized tunnel excavation using FEM and FDM techniques. EURO:TUN 2017, Innsbruck, Austria
- 2016.06 Numerical investigation of mechanized tunnel excavation: Consolidation and infiltration analyses. Geo5 Workshop, Berlin, Germany
- 2016.05 Numerical investigation of the tunneling in saturated soil in construction and operation periods. 4th Modern Trends in Geomechanics, Assisi, Italy
- 2015.04 Numerical investigation of tunneling in saturated soil: Consolidation analysis. Deutsch-Norwegischer Workshop, Bochum, Germany
- 教材
- 建筑信息模型(BIM)与应用,中国建筑工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-112-28254-8
- 专著
- 机器学习方法与岩土工程应用,中国建筑工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-112-28841-0
- Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling. ISBN 978-3-031-24066-9 (eBook)
- 译著
- 室内土工试验手册,第3卷:有效应力试验(第三版),中国建筑工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-112-28568-6
- 期刊论文
- B. Guo, H. He, X. Meng, H. Ren, L. Zuo, J. Li, B. Dai, C. Zhao*. Numerical investigation of end reinforcement technology for super-large diameter shield tunnels and online prediction using machine learning, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering.
- C. Zhao, X. Zhang, A. Lavasan, C. Lin, Y. Chen (2024). Numerical Modeling of Soil and Structure Behavior for Tunneling in Different Types of Soil, Buildings, 14(11): 3380.
- B. Wang, J. Li, C. Zhao*, J. Wang (2024). An improved analytical solution for solving the shield tunnel uplift problem, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrmge.2024.05.011
- R. Wang, H. Dong, D. Shen, J. Li, P. Ni*, C. Zhao* (2023). Performance of an Asymmetric Pit-in-Pit Excavation Supported by Diaphragm Wall and Multi Uplift Piles System in Coastal Areas, Canadian Geotechnical Journal. DOI: 10.1139/cgj-2023-0319
- C. Lin, J, Zheng, Y. Ye, F. Nadim, Z. Liu, C. Zhao, Y. Chen, Z. Ding (2023). Analytical solution for tunnelling-induced response of an overlying pipeline considering gap formation, Underground Space, DOI:10.1016/j.undsp.2023.07.006
- R. Wang, P. Ni, C. Zhao*, C. Guo*, H. Ma, P. Dong, H. Liang, M. Tang (2023). Model Test and Numerical Simulation of a New Prefabricated Double-row piles Retaining System in Sandy Silt Ground, Underground Space, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2023.05.004
- C. Zhao, L. Chen, P. Ni, W. Xia, B. Wang (2023). A modified multi-objective optimization procedure based back analysis method for deep excavation, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2023.05.007
- C. Zhao, E. Mahmoudi, M. Luo, M. Jiang, P. Lin (2023). Unfavorable geology recognition in front of shallow tunnel face using machine learning, Computers and Geotechnics, 157: 105313.
- H. Ma, C. Zhao*, Y. Jiang, G. Zhou, Y. Wang (2023). Rotational resistance test of a new aluminum alloy penetrating (AAP) joint system, Advanced Steel Construction, 19(2): 121-129.
- R. Wang, S. Liu, L. Xu, C. Zhao*, P. Ni, W. Zheng (2022). Performance of a 56 m Deep Circular Excavation Supported by Diaphragm and Cut-off Double-Wall System in Shanghai Soft Ground. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. DOI:10.1139/cgj-2022-0308
- X. Zhang, T. Wang, C. Zhao, M. Jiang, M. Xu, G. Mei (2022), Supporting mechanism of rigid-flexible composition retaining structure in sand ground using discrete element method, Computers and Geotechnics 151, 104967.
- C. Riedel, E. Mahmoudi, M. Trapp, A. Lamert, R. Hölter, C. Zhao, et al. (2022), A hybrid exploration approach for the prediction of geological changes ahead of mechanized tunnel excavation, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 104684.
- C. Cheng, Y. Chen, C. Zhao, W. Zhao, J. Han, D. Qi, T. Li (2022), Theoretical analysis of the shield tunnel face stability in dry sandy strata, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-21.
- X. Zhang, M. Jiang, J. Yang, C. Zhao, G. Mei (2022), The macroscopic and mesoscopic study on strengthening mechanisms of the single pile with raft under pile-soil-raft combined interaction, Computers and Geotechnics 144, 104630.
- Y. Chen, S. Wang, C. Guo, C. Lin, C. Zhao (2022), Analyses of non-aqueous reactive polymer insulation layer in high geothermal tunnel, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
- D. Liu, P. Lin, C. Zhao & J. Qiu (2021), Mapping horizontal displacement of soil nail walls using machine learning approaches, Acta Geotechnica, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-021-01345-z (SCI, JCR1区, 中科院1区, IF=5.856)
- Z. Dai, C. Zhao, C. Guo & P. Lin (2021), System Reliability Analysis of Soil Nail Walls against Facing Failures, International Journal of Geomechanics 21(9): 04021171 (SCI, JCR2区, 中科院2区)
- E. Mahmoudi, C. Schmüdderich, R. Hölter*, C. Zhao*, T. Wichtmann & M. König (2020), Stochastic field simulation of slope stability problems: improvement and reduction of computational effort, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 369: 113167. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2020.113167 (SCI, JCR1区, 中科院1区, IF=6.756)
- C. Zhao*, C. Schmüdderich, T. Barciaga, L. Röchter (2019), Response of building to shallow tunnel excavation in different types of soil, Computers and Geotechnics 115: 103165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2019.103165 (SCI, JCR1区, 中科院2区)
- C. Zhao, R. Hölter, M. König & A.A. Lavasan (2019), A hybrid model for estimation of ground movements due to mechanized tunnel excavation, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1111/mice.12438 (SCI, JCR1区, 中科院1区, IF=11.8)
- C. Zhao, A.A. Lavasan, T. Barciaga & T. Schanz (2019), Mechanized tunneling induced ground movements and its dependency on the tunnel volume loss and soil properties, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. https://doi.org/10.1002/nag.2890 (SCI, JCR2区, 中科院3区)
- C. Zhao, A.A. Lavasan & T. Schanz (2018), Application of submodeling technique in numerical modeling of mechanized tunnel excavation, International Journal of Civil Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40999-018-0318-8 (SCI, JCR3区)
- A.A. Lavasan, C. Zhao & T. Schanz (2018), Adaptive constitutive soil modeling concept in mechanized tunneling, International Journal of Geomechanics 18(9): 04018114. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001219 (SCI, JCR2区, 中科院2区)
- C. Zhao, A.A. Lavasan, R. Hölter & T. Schanz (2018), Mechanized tunneling induced building settlements and design of optimal monitoring strategies based on sensitivity field, Computers and Geotechnics 97: 246-260. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2018.01.007 (SCI, JCR1区, 中科院2区)
- N. Müthing, C. Zhao, R. Hölter, & T. Schanz (2018), Settlement prediction for an embankment on soft clay, Computers and Geotechnics 93: 87-103. DOI:10.1016/j.compgeo.2017.06.002 (SCI, JCR1区, 中科院2区)
- A.A. Lavasan, C. Zhao, T. Barciaga, A. Schaufler, H. Steeb & T. Schanz (2018), Numerical investigation of tunneling in saturated soil: the role of construction and operation periods, Acta Geotechnica 13(3): 671-691. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-017-0595-4 (SCI, JCR1区, 中科院1区, IF=5.856)
- R. Hölter, C. Zhao, E. Mahmoudi, A.A. Lavasan, M. Datcheva, M. König & T. Schanz (2018), Optimal measurement design for parameter identification in mechanized tunneling, Underground Space 3: 34-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2018.01.004 (SCI, JCR2区)
- C. Zhao, A.A. Lavasan, T. Barciaga, C. Kämper, P. Mark & T. Schanz (2017), Prediction of tunnel lining forces and deformations using analytical and numerical solutions, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 64: 164-176. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2017.01.015 (SCI, JCR1区, 中科院1区, IF=5.915)
- C. Kämper, T. Putke, C. Zhao, A.A. Lavasan, T. Barciaga, P. Mark, & T. Schanz (2016), Vergleichsrechnungen zu Modellierungsvarianten für Tunnel mit Tübbingauskleidung [Comparative analyses of modeling alternatives of tunnels with concrete lining segments], Bautechnik 93(7): 421-432. https://doi.org/10.1002/bate.201500064 (in German) (SCI, JCR4区, 中科院4区)
- C. Zhao, A.A. Lavasan, T. Barciaga, V. Zarev, M. Datcheva & T. Schanz (2015), Model validation and calibration via back analysis for mechanized tunnel simulations - The Western Scheldt tunnel case, Computers and Geotechnics 69: 601-614. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2015.07.003 (SCI, JCR1区, 中科院2区)
- C. Guo, J. Ye, C. Zhao* & F. Wang (2020), Mechanical and deformation characteristics of composite assembled supporting structure , Geotechnical Research 7(4): 230-243 (EI)
- X. Li, C. Zhao, R. Hölter, M. Datcheva & A.A. Lavasan (2019), Modelling of a large landslide problem under water level fluctuation - Model calibration and verification, Geosciences 9, 89: 1-23. https://doi:10.3390/geosciences9020089
- 林存刚,王忠杰,赵辰洋,陈瑜,梁禹,黄林冲,丁智 (2024), 考虑界面脱空和土体屈服的盾构下穿管线响应计算. 岩土工程学报, 46(10): 2129-2137.
- 林存刚,王忠杰,郭成超,王复明,陈瑜,赵辰洋*,丁智 (2024),基于双层 Winkler 地基的盾构穿越管线挠曲与脱空分析. 岩石力学与工程学报. DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2023.0748
- 丁得志,王锐松,倪芃芃,赵辰洋 (2023), 滨海地区地下连续墙+抗拔桩组合式坑中坑现场实测分析. 建筑结构,DOI: 10.19701/j.jzjg.23S1724
- 赵辰洋,罗毛毛,邱静怡,倪芃芃,赵锋烽 (2022), 盾构隧道施工引起地层变形预测方法综述.隧道与地下工程灾害防治 4(3):31-46.
- 蒋明杰,朱俊高,张小勇,梅国雄,赵辰洋 (2022), 缩尺效应对粗颗粒土静止侧压力系数影响规律的试验研究. 工程科学与技术, https://doi.org/10.15961/j.jsuese.202101107
- 王保田, 宋为广, 赵辰洋 & 杜妍平 (2014), 水泥含量测定法控制水泥搅拌桩施工质量研究, 长江科学院院报 31(7): 109-113.
- 赵辰洋 & 王保田 (2013), 吸水树脂快速固化高含水率疏浚淤泥试验, 河海大学学报: 自然科学版 43(1):59-63.
- 俞海洲, 王保田 & 赵辰洋 (2013), 颗粒成分对黏性土收缩性能的影响, 科学技术与工程 13(9): 2591-2593.
- 游波, 王保田 & 赵辰洋 (2012), 激光粒度仪在土工颗粒分析中的应用研究, 人民长江 43(24): 50-54.
- 会议论文
- C. Zhao*, H. He, C. Lin, Y. Chen, A. Lavasan (2024), Experimental investigation of tail void grouting pressure evolution for super-large diameter shield tunnels. Geo-Shanghai 2024, May 26-29, 2024, Shanghai, China.
- B. Sun, C. Guo, C. Zhao* & A.A. Lavasan (2022), Study on Polymer Damping Technology of Mountain Tunnels in Strong Earthquake-Prone Areas. EURO:TUN 2022 - 5th International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling, June 22-24, 2022, Bochum, Germany.
- C. Zhao, Z. Zizka, B. Schoesser, M. Thewes & A.A. Lavasan (2022), Support pressure transfer at a slurry supported tunnel face due to time dependent decrease of soil permeability. Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, IS-Cambridge 2022, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 27-29 June 2022 (EI)
- E. Mahmoudi, R. Hölter & C. Zhao* (2020), A pattern recognition approach to evaluate the uncertain soil stratum in front of the tunnel face. 7th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications (APSSRA2020). October 5–7, 2020, Tokyo, Japan, 351-355.
- C. Zhao, A.A. Lavasan & T. Schanz (2018), Adequate numerical simulation of tail void grouting for tunneling in saturated soil, Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. August 13–16, 2018, Vienna, Austria, 1230-1233. (EI)
- R. Hölter, C. Zhao, E. Mahmoudi, A.A. Lavasan & T. Schanz (2017), Optimal measurement setup for parameter identification in 3D-tunnelling cases, EURO:TUN 2017 - IV International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering. April 18–20, 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, 465-472.
- R. Shah, C. Zhao, A.A. Lavasan, D. Peila, T. Schanz & A. Lucarelli (2017), Influencing factors affecting the numerical simulation of the mechanized tunnel excavation using FEM and FDM techniques, EURO:TUN 2017 - IV International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering. April 18–20, 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, 483-490.
- R. Hölter, W. Lieske, N. Müthing, C. Schmüdderich, C. Zhao & T. Schanz (2016), Settlement prediction for an embankment on soft, structured clay using smeared soil-drain replacement technique and probabilistic analysis, Embankment and Footing Prediction Symposium. September 2016, Newcastle, Australia, 167-179.
- C. Zhao, A.A. Lavasan & T. Schanz (2014), Sensitivity analysis of the model response in mechanized tunnelling simulation - A case study assessment, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization. September 8–11, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 491-496. (EI)
- C. Zhao, A.A. Lavasan, T. Barciaga, R. Hölter, M. Datcheva & T. Schanz (2014), Constitutive parameter adjustment for mechanized tunneling with reference to sub-system effects, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications. August 20–24, 2014, Borovets, Bulgaria, 217-225. (EI)
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